Petals of Hope - Background

Petals of Hope is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political and Christian organization. It was established in 2015 with the aims to empower vulnerable, poor and disadvantaged populations in remote villages of Kamwenge District in western regions of Uganda and all corners of Africa with the priority target of supporting women and children. Through agriculture, child education and livelihood support Petals aims to break the cycle of poverty, enable communities to be self reliant for the future and instill Christian values in them.

Apart from Child education, the organization also recognizes the contribution of women in any development process and seeks to harness this. Empowering them means increased productivity, poverty reduction, improved standard of living and job creation.
Women have been at the fore front in many development processes to recent years. It is observed that women have always out numbered men in most community meetings as such Petals looks forward to ensure that this commitment is enhanced and channeled towards the right direction for purposes of community development.

Problem Statement

The number of nun-school going children, single and young mothers is in the increase in the recent years. Most women have had no option but to take over a number of roles which should have been men’s responsibility due to HIV/AIDS, economic hardships early pregnancy and cultural ties. If something is not done to improve the status of women cases of domestic violence, child neglect and negligence will continue to be in the increase just recently a single mother was burnt to death within Kamwenge District on allegation of having multiple lovers. The reason for her action was to make ends meet to provide for her son.

Most single and young mothers have had it overwhelming providing for their families with an income of less than a dollar a day and hence increase in unwanted pregnancies, abandoned children and general crime rates.

Petals of Hope – Comes in to support child education and fill the knowledge gap that single and young mother face, they need knowledge and skills for their enterprises to succeed, we are also committed to empowering women through sensitization, dialogues, workshops and trainings, including initiation of income generating activities like piggery, cattle keeping, farming, poultry, goat rearing, tailoring, table cloth making and hair dressing and also to preach Jesus Christ as the only hope for mankind among others.